Hospice Services, Inc. is privileged to be a partner of the We Honor Veterans Program.
What is the We Honor Veterans Program (WHV)?
The We Honor Veterans Campaign is a pioneering program to help improve the care Veterans receive from hospice and palliative care providers. The We Honor Veterans Program was launched by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Why did Hospice Services, Inc. become a partner of the We Honor Veterans Program?
We feel J. Donald Schumacher, NHPCO President and CEO said it best, “America’s Veterans have done everything asked of them in their mission to serve our country and we believe it is never too late to give them a hero’s welcome home. Now it is time that we step up, acquire the necessary skills and fulfill our mission to serve these men and women with the dignity they deserve.”
By recognizing the unique needs of our nation’s Veterans who are facing a life-limiting illness, Hospice Services, Inc. will be able to accompany and guide America’s Veterans and their families toward a more peaceful ending. And in cases where there might be some specific needs related to the Veteran’s military service, combat experience or other traumatic events we will have access to tools that will help support those Veterans.
The resources of We Honor Veterans focuses on respectful inquiry, compassionate listening, and grateful acknowledgment, coupled with Veteran-centric education of staff caring for Veterans.
“All hospices are serving Veterans, but often aren’t aware of that person’s service in the armed forces,” said J. Donald Schumacher, NHPCO president and CEO. “Through We Honor Veterans, we are taking a giant step forward in helping hospice and palliative care providers understand and serve Veterans at the end of life, and work more effectively with VA medical facilities in their communities.”
It surprises many Americans to learn that 25 percent of all deaths in the US are Veterans. That’s 1,800 people a day; more than 680,000 Veterans every year. These heroic Americans deserve recognition for their military service– particularly at the end of life’s journey. The We Honor Veterans Program will help healthcare professionals honor our Veterans.
Can Hospice Services, Inc. provide a program to your organization about the We Honor Veterans Program and our Partnership?
Please call our office at 1-800-315-5122, to reserve a date and time that works for you, or for more information on how you can get involved.
From the Staff of Hospice Services, Inc.
Thank You Veterans and your families, for the sacrifices you made, and for your willingness to serve our country!
If you would like to support work being done at the national level to expand care for Veterans at the end of life, please visit www.WeHonorVeterans.org